980 550 1

Eat like a local at non tourist area


You get out at a local station in suburbia. There is a beautiful arcade in front of the station, which has so many local papa's and mama's shops along its street. Going further into the back street, you will see so many different restaurants, bars, and cafes. This is the area you are going to experience the local life style. Locals come to this district after their work and enjoy a glass of beer before they come home. There are plenty of places to eat. I'm always flexible to listen to your preference and try to find the right place for you. Anyway my recommendation is a standing sushi bar where we can enjoy small conversation with the chef there. Some times other regulars join us.It's very fun.Another recommendation is a standing bar where we can sample sake tasting of 5 different kinds every night. Also, there are good WAGYU beef place.

  • Area Area
  • Time Duration
  • Capacity Number
    8 人
  • Meeting Meeting Place
    JR Nakano statoion
  • List Belongings



Description About the Price

transportation fee

Square md profile




  1. Local cuisine with sea foods.
  2. Sake tasting of 5 different kinds.
  3. Local sushi experience at a standing sushi bar
  4. The host is always flexible to meet your preferences.
  5. There is a big mall specializes in Anime and Manga.
Price 12000 JPY/person
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