3f3340f3 3a07 426c a5fd 5624b4d310b6 Ee99df73 6d39 44fa ac61 d321a2eaa3bf A7d01557 d475 4b79 9d9d 6b2b23276ee8 1c95dc70 403c 41b4 a8f3 becc63596754 60f9531f cde0 40fa b4fa 5132755f9e31

Enjoy Fukuoka by your own way


I make your own schedule. What do you want to experience in Fukuoka? Visit to shrine or temple? Dog or cat cafe? Enjoy Karaoke? Visit to yummy restaurant? I can arrange your trip

  • Area Area
  • Time Duration
  • Capacity Number
    8 人
  • Meeting Meeting Place
    Hakata station
  • List Belongings


Hope to enjoy staying in Fukuoka


Minimum number of participants are 2

Description About the Price

This price is only guide fee. If you want to visit somewhere which is needed entrance fee or transportation cost doesn’t include. If you visit free entrance places, like shrines or temples, you can visit by this price.

Square md fb0a95e5 5821 4197 8f84 dcae1096ace2




  1. Visit to shrine
  2. Visit to temple
  3. Dog cafe or cat cafe(need to pay more)
  4. Observation beer factory
  5. Karaoke?!
Price 3000 JPY/person
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