A9e8e62c 50df 4f4a b978 cba73d69def2 78c89995 e529 4a5b b3d0 1ecbce853f88 3db10c1f d2c5 4676 bee2 f3f78e0a6dd6 8b45cb74 8c79 43af ae4f 081e827ffa81

time spent with a famous magician


I've been a TV director for a long time.I have a lot of friends of specialists. in this experience
I'm going to introduce you to the best performer among my friends in the TV industry.His name is Mr. Shin.
He's a famous magician, and he's appeared on Japanese television many times.
He usually runs a membership magic bar.
he dosen't usually accept reservations from overseas. but this time.
we will provide special communication time.
for overseas travelers
You can see a 30-minute magic show in front of your eyes.
It focuses on card close-up magic.
It's amazing.
after that

You can communicate with Mr. shin
If you're lucky, you can learn some tricks.

  • Area Area
  • Time Duration
  • Capacity Number
    10 人
  • Meeting Meeting Place
  • List Belongings



Magic is entertainment for fun. If you look for a trick, it will cause trouble for other customers. Have a good time with Japan's proud magician."

Description About the Price

2 drinks and snacks

Square md 8524a4e1 e607 4954 8bf8 37b87cb2c015




  1. You can meet a famous magician.
  2. with a drink you can enjoy communication.
  3. You can see amazing magic in front of your eyes.
  4. You can learn magic tricks.
  5. We're all taking a picture.
Price 12000 JPY/person
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