93e850ae 8b07 45a9 95db 3f6f3ab35312 15c4979a 6025 45a4 a0ef 27cfc001969e 4c9df6b5 474a 4a65 b2ce c92db3be613b 3c1dc401 146e 46a4 bfa1 0c7428f95437 Df3259ca e72d 49b5 8c81 8e451dfbb638

Why don’t we travel Nagoya together?


Nagoya is located in the middle of Japan.
It’s special for food, history. It’s not too crowded but a charming city. If you’re interested in Samurai, it’s the great place to visit.
People from abroad always go to Kyoto or Tokyo, which are nice and famous, but it’s a bit custermized for tourists. Why don’t we see the real Japan through Nagoya trip?
I can show you the hottest spot, delicious food and unique shops. You can touch the local too.
I won’t be a tour guide, I’ll be your friend and explain and enjoy with you:)

I’ll custom the plan along with your need.
Just tell me what you want: e.g.I wanna eat local food.

  • Area Area
  • Time Duration
  • Capacity Number
    3 人
  • Meeting Meeting Place
    Nagoya station
  • List Belongings


All you need is curiosity and walking shoes!


Description About the Price

Square md 6c18c7e0 9bec 40b2 aa54 c070df3630fd




  1. WALK and EAT on the street
  2. Visit the Nagoya castle
  3. Shopping (clothes, anime goods)
  4. To be Bar hoppers
  5. Drink coffee at a cute cafe
Price 3200 JPY/person
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