97c45850 fd67 4503 9890 7f2e842e70f8 49a0cfa1 209d 41f4 87ee 6cb384689d5b F09c5e71 9c92 4b6b a01c 73aaab133d34 22ccd06c c546 409d b277 d5a399ec72cf

***Night life in Shibuya***


I would like to introduce how local people enjoy night life in one of the biggest fun city, Shibuya!!
<<Shopping and Cafe/Dinner/Bar>>
There are various shopping spots and unique cafes(maids, butlers, cats, rabbits, hedgehogs, Owl, etc..) and restaurants in Shibuya, so I will look for and suggest you some options so please tell me your interest!;)

  • Area Area
  • Time Duration
  • Capacity Number
    9 人
  • Meeting Meeting Place
    Hachiko Dog Statue
  • List Belongings



Description About the Price

Price varies depending on where you visit (Included guide, translation, and reservation services, meal, and entrance fee)

Square md 18862e6f 35da 41f9 b8ca 34a1c8efc3aa




  1. Enjoy Shibuya crossing from various spots
  2. Shopping (I will search suitable places for you!)
  3. Cafe/Restaurant (I will search good places for you!)
  4. Karaoke/Bar/Clubbing/other fun spots.
  5. Usually 5pm-11pm (but I can arrange time flexibly)
Price 10000 JPY/person
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