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Let’s speak English while traveling!


Hi guys! Are you interested in speaking and blushing up on your English while traveling in Fukuoka? I’m an English instructor and has a little spare time in the afternoon, as most most of my students have lessons in the mornings and evenings. Please let me know what you’d like to talk about beforehand.
Looking forward to meeting and speaking Engliswith you!

  • Area Area
  • Time Duration
  • Capacity Number
    2 人
  • Meeting Meeting Place
    Subway Ropponmatsu Station
  • List Belongings


For 1person, the fee is ¥3000-. For 2people, it’s ¥1500-/person You can take up to a 1.5-hour lesson for ¥2000/person.


If you’d like to take a lesson at a cafe, please buy me coffee. ¥4000 for 2people

Description About the Price

English lesson

Square md 30a28584 e935 4cae 984b 69b2c35b23e4

Yoko Fukahori



  1. Why not take English lessons while traveling?
Price 3000 JPY/person
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