48eb151d c662 40cc 89e2 cf02ad92c35a 666a97f1 c618 424d 8edc 1e16f5281064 2647bddd aef7 4d61 a974 78b587f3d1d6

Let’s go drinking (veg options)!


Are you interested in Japan and Japanese culture? Do you have any opportunities to ask about it to Japanese people? Would you like to talk to some Japanese people?
I know it’s difficult to actually know Japan and talk to people if you don’t speak Japanese.
I can communicate with you in English without any problems so you can ask me ANY questions! I’m happy to answer and let’s have a nice time together!
We can have some drinks together and talk!

Especially, if you’re vegetarian or vegan, you may feel difficulties to find nice restaurants or drinking places. I’m vegetarian so I can tell you some nice restaurants and pubs!

  • Area Area
  • Time Duration
  • Capacity Number
    5 人
  • Meeting Meeting Place
    Shibuya station, Harajuku station, Ikebukuro station, Shinjuku station
  • List Belongings


If you want me to choose the place, tell me what kind of place you’re interested in. I’m vegetarian so I don’t eat meat and fish.


Description About the Price

Your first drink;)

Square md 325d5134 e617 42ef 9ffd b242e99bc283




  1. You can learn more about Japan and Japanese culture
  2. You can learn some Japanese (if you want)
  3. I can take you to have drinks together(you can choose the place if you want)
  4. I know some nice places for vegetarians and vegans
  5. Have a great time together!
Price 2500 JPY/person
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