P1030268 P1030265 P1030262 Img 0688

Enoshima island and Kamakura Walking


We take a monorail from Ofuna to Enoshima. Then, we explore the mysterious island. We will walk in the caves
where you can find stone monuments, such as dragon and famous monk, Kobo Daishi or Kukai. We enjoy baked
clams and fish. After lunch, we will ride on the local train called Enoden from Enoshima to Hase. We will visit Hase temple and then visit Great Buddha. After visiting these temples, we will take Enoden again to Kamakura. We will
visit Kamakura Hachimangu Shrine. If we are lucky, we can see a wedding ceremony in the Japanese style.

  • Area Area
  • Time Duration
  • Capacity Number
    5 人
  • Meeting Meeting Place
    Ofuna JR Station
  • List Belongings



Description About the Price

Transportation fees, admissions and meals are not included.

Square md p1020577

Yukio Kishiyama 



  1. Enoshima : Shrines and caves
  2. Hase temple : Eleven headed Kannon
  3. Great Buddha
  4. Kamakura Hachimangu Shrine
  5. Komachi Shopping Street
Price 8000 JPY/person
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